SMS System Window: Bulk-send SMS Messages 

Note that using this Orixa feature requires subscribing to a paid SMS service.

Bulk SMS Sending System  

The SerendiSys Orixa system includes a facility to send SMS messages in bulk to farmers. To access it, go to the "People, Farmers, Staff" Entity, and click on actions, then select "Send Bulk SMS Messages" from the Actions button, as shown at 1., in the image above.

Using the Bulk SMS messaging window

Once the Action above is clicked, the SMS Messaging Window will open as shown below.

Bulk SMS Sending Window  

Day-to-day use of the Bulk SMS Messaging window

  1. Click an item in this pick-list to choose which group of people you want to send SMS's to.
  2. If you are sending messages to farmers you may not want to add all the farmers to the list. In this case, select a farmer-group from the list to only add that group's farmers to the list.
  3. After the "Add to List" button is clicked, names will be added to this list-box. People in this list will be eligable to receive the SMS. An SMS will only be sent to them if their name is "ticked", as shown below.
  4. The text of the SMS should be typed here, note that you can use the "Load" and "Save" button to load previously written messages to use them again.
  5. When the messaging process starts, "provider messages" will appear here, these are return messages from the SMS service saying whether a message has been dispatched correctly, and other messages including details of the costs of the service, the available account-credit etc.
  6. Click the "Send Messages" button to send the SMS in the text-box to all ticked people listed.

Bulk SMS, adding Farmers to list  

Selecting Farmers

  1. Select "Farmers" to send to, and pick a Farmer-Group.
  2. Click the "Add to List" button to add all farmers who match the search-criteria to the list. You can repeat this step several times if necessary.
  3. Once farmers have filled the list select those who will receive the SMS by "ticking" their record. Note that the "Check All" button allows you to tick everyone in the list.

Bulk SMS: Set message text and send  

Drafting and sending messages

  1. Write the text for the message in this window. 
  2. You can load and save text for reuse.
  3. Click the "Send Message" button to send the SMS's.
  4. "Provider Responses" will appear. These include data such as details of phone numbers to which messages have been sent, and remaining message-credit on the account.

Bulk SMS: Add Recipients  

Staff can also be sent SMS messages

  1. Select "Staff" as the category, and click "Add to List"
  2. All Staff matching the search critieria will appear in the list.

Changing settings for SMS API  

Updating SMS Settings

If a business changes its SMS service provider, or the service provider changes the details of their SMS server, the details can be updated.

  1. Update the Account details, "User Name" and the URL for the SMS API.
  2. Click the "Update SMS Acc Details" button to set these new details as the business's SMS provider details.
  3. Click "Yes" in the confirmation window.