Calender / Diary / Scheduler

The Orixa includes a built in multi-function calendar.
All BusinessObjects which include a date-field can be added to the list of "What To Show" in the calender so they can be viewed by users in a diary-based format.
The calender/diary is capable of linking directly to individual records (for example a sales record made on a particular day) or to lists of records (for example a list of all sales made on a particular day).

To make the calendar work the system-developer has to add a "DiaryScript" for that BusinessObject. This is somewhat technical, and details of how to do it are covered in the "Developer Guide" sections of the Help.

Features of the Calender

Calender/Diary Main Screen

  1. The main date-area of the calender. Here records are displayed depending on the date. Different BusinessObjects can be assigned a color, so they can be easily differentiated. To view linked data, just click and the Edit Form for that BusinessObject will open. You can click-drag items from one date to another, if your developer has enabled this feature, and you have the security levels necessary.
  2. The Date-Selector. Click and drag on the date-selector to pick a range of dates to display. If less than 7 days are selected the calendar will show days in a vertical "Days" format, as shown below, otherwise it will show a "Month" format, as above.
  3. The "What To Show" list. All BusinessObjects which have been set to display in the calender are listed here. Tick on the ones you want to see at any particular time.
  4. The "View" list. This determines how the main date-area displays. The different options are shown below, but are based on common diary software, showing days in week, month or "year-planner" format.

The main value of the calender is that it allows users of the system to see what is happening over time within their system. It easily allows users to ask questions like:

Calender Context Menu

When you right-click your mouse on the Calender a menu will appear. The exact contents of this menu will depend on the details of your Orixa App.

Calender Diary Context Menus  

  1. All Systems will have an option to Print the current view (all the visible days in the format currently selected) and to "Show/Hide Weekend".
  2. If your App has added "Diary Resources" then options to view these will be added to the context menu. In the example above a Report showing the Work-Hours of the current user is included in the list.
  3. All Systems can optionally include the ability to add records for any BusinessObject linked to the Diary. If a user clicks on any of these entries a record will be added and its Start-Date and End-Date will be set to the currently selected date-range in the Diary.

View Options for the Calender

Calender/Diary 6 month view  

The calender in "6 month" view. Note that in this view it can be hard to see individual details of the items being displayed. The "3 month" and "Year" option are similar, but show 3/12 months

Calender/Diary day view  

The calender in "Days" view with less than 7 days selected. Note that in this view the calender shows the time-of-day on the left side of the screen, and arranges other items on the screen.

Calender/Diary: access any record  

If a record is shown in the diary, it will be place with either the correct date or date and time. 

Calender/Diary: View lists of records, charts, data-cubes or any form of data-visualization for the date-selected

Calenders are not limited to displaying individual records. Where there are larger numbers of records it can be better for an item to be added to the calender, but for a grid to be displayed when the item is clicked. This avoids calenders becoming cluttered with large numbers of entries.

Scheduler Hint  

If the user hovers over a record in the Scheduler "Hint" data displays. 

Scheduler What To Show list  

The Scheduler will fill with Events based on whatever the User selects in the "What to Show" List.

Scheduler with report added  

The Scheduler can have access to useful Reports, Grids, Charts and other Resources, allowing the user to view, analyse or print out date for the selected date-range.


Calenders allow quick and intuative organisation of data in your system. As all BusinessObjects that include date fields can be added to the calender just by adding a "DiaryScript," this is a SQL-statement which returns data for a data-table, with a "StartDate" and optional "EndDate", the Calender will then automatically add this data-table to the "What To Show" list, and allow users to view the data. 

It is easy to extend your system with new BusinessObjects and then give access to their data via the Calender, provided that BusinessObject contains a "Date" field which can be used to position it in the calender.